Back from the Printers

March 6, 2014 § Leave a comment

Got my nets back from the printers back, so starting to make the box.

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After all the cutting out, I have encountered a problem. With the antlers being cut out with an knife, the intricate edges don’t look professional enough for the outcome that I wanted to achieve.

If i where to redo this, i would go to a laser cutters to get this done. it will achieve a greater look professionalism

I would also like to change the material i used, instead of watercolor paper, i would like to add a gloss to it too.

Nice bottle packaging

March 6, 2014 § Leave a comment

Below is a round up of some nice bottle packaing i have found while reasearching for this breif.

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Blue Marlin Animation

March 6, 2014 § Leave a comment

Blue Marlin London creative director Simon Pendry comments: “The new design tells the brand story and explains its ethos through both illustration and back and front of pack copy. It is sophisticated and engaging and a little intriguing. For instance, some of the drawings are numbered with a key on the back explaining that it contains vitamin C and counts as one of your five a day.”

As part of thier portfollio Blue Marlin Show an animation of the packaging forming in a natural growth way with the flowing of one line, drawing the design out.
Below are some screen shots from the 25 second clip

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Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 14.54.42

Mock ups

March 5, 2014 § Leave a comment

Here are my mock ups the packaging of ELK the aftershave inspired by Jim beams Red Stag.

The plan from here now, is to have the boxes printed, and then modeled up and photographed ready for Thursday.

mock up 1mock up 2

Purdey’s Brief

February 15, 2014 § Leave a comment

Today I started to look at my new brief. The brief is a live brief from the D&AD company. The brief I have deiced to do is the repackaging of the brand Purdey’s. I have decided to do this brief as i would like to tackle a packaging brief.

‘Repackage Purdey’s Rejuvenate and extend its range to include one new product – Purdey’s Natural Energy. With the world increasingly looking for products that work in harmony with our bodies, it’s time for Purdey’s, in its own way, to share its secret more broadly. Your challenge is to create packaging designs which enable this to happen, without losing the curiosity of the brand.’

Click to access newbloodawards_tutorspack_2014.pdf

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