Channel masks

November 4, 2013 § Leave a comment


In today’s session with Steve we where moving one image onto another that might leave a white halo. This technique  can be very useful for cutting out people with flowing hair.  First way of using this technique is to open the channels and select the one with most contrast. from there you need to use the Levels to boost the contrast between the person and the background.

Screen Shot 2013-11-04 at 16.26.37

Then using the black brush colour in the rest of the person inside of the edges. to get a solid black image. By selecting the blacked out image you can create a layer mask to select the image. After copying the image on the the background you want, there might still be a halo. To get rid of this, you can refine the edges to remove them.

Screen Shot 2013-11-04 at 16.30.50

After copying the image on the the background you want, there might still be a halo. To get rid of this, you can refine the edges to remove them. With any additional  white edges, use the burn tool to remove.


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